
A collaborative research program in neuro-engineering

Neuro-link is a joint program between the Department of Neurosurgery at the University of Maryland, Baltimore, and the Fischell Department of Bioengineering at the University of Maryland, College Park. 


Neuro-Link was established to unite, enhance, and accelerate the established and most promising neuroscience-focused efforts within the Department of Neurosurgery and the Fischell Department of Bioengineering.

University of Maryland Department of Neurosurgery clinician and staff observe a patient
Two researchers work with a device connected to a smart phone in the Fisher Lab at the University of Maryland, College Park.


We welcome applications proposing exploratory research projects from existing and productive research collaborations between one investigator in the Department of Neurosurgery (UMB) and one investigator in the Fischell Department of Bioengineering (UMCP). Our aim is to leverage biomedical engineering principles to address critical gaps in the current management of patients with complex neurosurgical problems.


The overall goal is to accelerate and elevate the impact of joint research research projects (UMB/UMCP) to create innovative new systems, approaches, and technologies to improve patient care. The successful investigator team will build on their joint success to apply for large multi-PI NIH grants (or similar) and develop expanded collaborations and research programs. Applications without supporting shared research products (peer-reviewed scientific publications, patents, or competitively awarded research grants/contracts) would be deemed unresponsive to this RFA.

Neurosurgery performing a procedure on a patient
Two researchers work under a fume hood in a lab at the University of Maryland, College Park.


We are not currently accepting applications.